Nintendo Labo Institute of Play

Nintendo Brings the Labo to Local Schools With the Institute of Play

Nintendo is partnering with the Institute of Play to introduce the Labo to elementary schools. Next year, approximately 2,000 students will take part in their program.

Nintendo announced their partnership with the non-profit organization in a press release. The Institute of Play is known for working with teachers and schools for providing unique, hands-on learning activities. In terms of getting something in a school for educational purposes, you couldn’t ask for a better partner.

They’re launching a pilot program at schools in the greater New York area. They will work with the teachers to develop a Labo based learning guide, incorporated a more in-depth learning phase as the students build and play with the Labo parts.

After the pilot concludes, the teaching guide will be made publicly available for all. The program will also expand to 100 different schools around the U.S.

The Nintendo Labo is a set of DIY games for the Nintendo Switch. The primary gimmick is that the user builds unique tools that interact with the console. Some examples include a fishing rod, an RC car, and even a functioning piano. Making and interacting with the various games teaches the user about the related sciences involved. Like how vibrations can be converted into sound, stuff like that.

For more information about the Nintendo Labo program with the Institute of Play, visit the official webpage.


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