
Square Enix’s E3 Press Event Summary

I’m not dead yet, but I’m getting there. Here’s what Square Enix had to show at their press event this year. And honestly, its a bit underwhelming.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

We see some more from the upcoming Tomb Raider game, particularly the stealth elements of the game. You can use mud to hide from enemies. And there are new stealth kills, as well. So that’s cool.

The Awesome Adventures Of Captain Spirit

While we saw this first in, i think, the Microsoft event. Developers Dontnod Entertainment came back to announce that Captain Spirit is intended to bridge the gap between Life is Strange 1 and 2, apparently. It’s not clear how, exactly.

Babylon’s Fall

A new game by Platinum, the creators of Bayonetta and Nier: Automata. It’s an action game releasing next year.

More Just Cause 4

The previously announced game got another followup at this event. Square Enix publishes it, after all. The game has a greater focus on the weather, with extremes ranging from blizzards to tornados. Rico’s grappling hook has been given a bunch of new functionality, and the enemies AI has been overhauled. it looks good.

The Quiet Man

A new game, this story-driven action game is about a deaf man making short work of his enemies. There seems to be a heavy focus on what an “experience” it is, and that it could be completed in one sitting. More to come on that in time.

Misc Other Things:

Final Fantasy XIV’s “Under the Moonlight” update
Monster Hunter: World crossover
A New trailer for Dragon Quest XI
Another trailer for Octopath Traveler.

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