
New Website, Again!

Hello readers and people who came here out of a social obligation. I have an update to tell you about regarding TheLizardRock. As you may have noticed, the website layout has updated to something a bit more fluid But I’ll also be changing the way I’ll be posting.

New Layout

I’ve found myself discontent with the previous website format. It doesn’t handle ratios and long titles very well, nor does it organize posts well. After some consideration, I decided on this new layout. But I’m not a professional web designer, so I need help. I need feedback for TheLizardRock. If there’s an aspect you’d like to see differently, sizing, colors, etc, please let me know. Comment on this post, use the contact me page, or hit me up on the various social media outlets. It’ll certainly be appreciated.

New Posting Schedule

I’m wanting to lean away from the “single post, multi topic a day” format I’ve been going for. It was originally to consolidate efforts, But I’m finding it less savory toward organizing information and attracting relevant interests. Now, I’ll be posting 1-3 times a day, each as normal news posts. This will make it easier for people to notice what interests them, while also helping with website SEO. I may also start doing a single news post on the weekends. This way, if something extra interesting happens mid day, I can post about it in the evenings.

I appreciate everyone’s patience while I get things sorted out.

About Branden

Site owner and operator