thelizardrock daily news monday

Monday 2-26-18: Blockchains, Zenyatta, and Girl Streamers

Welcome to another week! It’s Monday and boy do I have news. Here is that news.

  • Ubisoft is Interested in Blockchains
  • Overwatch lets Zenyatta Walk
  • Twitch Offers a Grant for Girls

Blockchains and Business Buzzwords

You read it correctly, Ubisoft is interested in blockchains. Their research facility, Strategic Innovation Lab, recently expressed interest in using the complex information storage system to track user-owned content. Imagine if you owned your DLC the same way you would own Bitcoin. It’s an interesting idea that I don’t really understand, to be honest.

Zenyatta Uses His Feet

Overwatch’s social media game has always been fairly on point. Their public relations too. I recall when last Christmas they had Jeff Kaplin sitting in a chair for 8 hours, which quickly went viral. Now they’ve found a new way to upset their fans in the best way. They released footage of Zenyatta using his feet to walk, instead of his usual floating. You can see it for yourself, if you dare.

1,000 Dreams Fund’s Twitch Broadcasther Grant

That’s not a typo from me. According to the website, it’s “Broadcasther” grant. I get it’s supposed to be broadcast-her, but I’m reading it as a “th” sound. I digress. This grant is a new program between Twitch and 1,000 Dreams Fund to encourage more female livestreamers. They will reward 2 high school/college students with $2,000 for the purpose of furthering their live stream career. If you’re an up and coming female streamer, or just want to learn more about this program, you can visit the 1000 Dreams Fund website. Applications will open Thursday, March 1, at 9 AM EST.

Thanks for your patience with my missing days. The new computer is working fantastically. With any luck, I can start casually live streaming. No, I’m not going for that grant. Check back tomorrow for another post full of nifty news! Otherwise, have a great night!

About Branden

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